Spells and Charms



Get back into my routine./ ちょっとずつリズムをもどす

えgt A headache seems to go away. I have slept about 12 hours. That was too much. but it's OK. I will get back into my routine little by little. --- 頭痛はきえたような気がする。12時間ほど寝たので、若干寝すぎ。でもまあいいかなと。明日は休み…

headache/ 頭痛

I have a headache. Today I have to go to the job. It is an extra shift for another sick person. but I am feeling sick too. This is not good... -- 頭痛がひどい。一人体調不良の子の カバーをずっと私がしていてかなりきつい。私まで体調不良だ。。…