Spells and Charms



The Sun is also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Recently, my situation has changed dynamicaly. I am working as a full-time worker at the cafe, and have quited another part-time job. The cafe's shifts are totally randam, so I'm dialing my rythm now, still doing. By the way, yesterday, I …

Next year/ 来年どうかな

My husband will go to Shanghai next year for a year. But the visa is only for him not for family. So what should I do? Going back to Japan? I think South East Asia is good. Thailand or the Phillipines? During staying in Canada I would lear…

Stiff neck/ 首凝り

I had a bad stiff neck on the right side. The fatigue is spreaded from head muscle to under back. Working as a barista and being on the computer for prolonged time are causes, I guess. Sometimes I do stretching or rotating neck and shoulde…

Busy Friday!/ てんこ盛りな金曜日

Happy Friday! It'll be busy today. I'll have new hair color and highlights, go to a walk-in clinic, and go to work. When I woke up today, I felt somethig in my throat. Ohh, not good. From next Monday night, my husband is coming! he'll stay…

Problem again/ 問題の多い家。。

Uninformed construction suddenly started yesterday. They did something for water pype. Water stopped. At night water resumed. BUT it stopped again in this morning. The street had filled up water and city staff came here... Still water outa…

New Planner!/ 新しい手帳

I've got my new planner for 2019!! I have loved scheduling. And also I love taking note. Two month ago, I started taking accountability, taking what I've done into blank note, always moleskine plain large size, every single day. It was ama…

My friends invited me to her "friendsgiving party". It was so beautiful. It was actually vegan party, but I made regular meal and vege one. Oh that seemed to be fine because I didn't know that was vegan party but..I felt bad. While Japanes…

Happy Thanksgiving!/ 感謝祭おめでとう。

It was such a beautiful day.... One of my friends invited me to her Thanksgiving dinner at her home. That was so private party, except for me, everyone was her family, grandfather, parents, sister, cousin, boyfriend, sposes. My eyes were t…

Headache/ 頭痛の原因

I had a bad hsadache again an threw up. I don't know why. I am oviously not sick. Perhaps, shoulder stiff? I have some tension on my head, neck and upper back, espeially right side. --- 一昨夜、頭痛がひどくて吐いてしまった。特に理由はわか…

Birthday decision/ 誕生日の決断

I'm a practical person. And I had spent poor time when I was junior high and high school because of father's problem. So I usually don't take risks. I always prepare somthing for just in case. Now, I the cafe offered me extra shifts. But t…

Enjoy the changing./ 変化を楽しまなきゃ

Why many things happen at the same time?? I had a first job of new part-time job, because my cafe owner informed me to cut shifts in winter time. But the cafe owner offered me more shifts, because one of my work friends has decided to leav…

+ Recording/ 記録の力

I write two paes notes ro blank pages everyday. That's not a diary, that's a recording. I write what I've done on the left page, and recent tasks on the top of the right page. And then, I write the review of the day on the next day. It had…

My favourite/ 結構好きなこと

木の葉の色が秋めいてきました Good morning! I've started to read "The power of when" like I said testerday. Only for looking through raghly some contents which relate to my and mu husband's type. My type is Lion, and his type is Bear. And n…

Chronotype/ 朝型?夜型?

Do you know your Chronotype?? I am really into this kinds of quiz!Cnsiquently, my chronotype is Lion. My next book will be this one. The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype--and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Wr…