Spells and Charms



【Eloquent JavaScript】読み方(我流)

この本 をチャプター5まで急ピッチで読み理解せねばならないので、最初に方針をたてておく。 集中して読むと忘れてしまうので読み始める前にメモで残しておく。 1 速読 1.0 各章3回速読してから次の章に進む1.1.1 章最後のSummaryを読む。賞の構造をとらえて…

The Sun is also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Recently, my situation has changed dynamicaly. I am working as a full-time worker at the cafe, and have quited another part-time job. The cafe's shifts are totally randam, so I'm dialing my rythm now, still doing. By the way, yesterday, I …

Chronotype/ 朝型?夜型?

Do you know your Chronotype?? I am really into this kinds of quiz!Cnsiquently, my chronotype is Lion. My next book will be this one. The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype--and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Wr…

Reading a lot!/ 英語 多読 おすすめ

Reading is a great way to learn English for me. Recent my favourites are "TIME FOR KIDS"!! Those are written in easy English. Contents are pretty informative. For example, Why does my foot fall asleep? Messages between your brain and the r…

Libby/ 図書館アプリが便利

モントリオールからの帰りにみた日没。 I am recovered. Normal routine has back! Recently, I use an app of Toronto Public Library, called Libby. That is great. I can borrow e-books easily and return easily. I read some magazines. Usually, I d…
