Spells and Charms



My favourite/ 結構好きなこと

木の葉の色が秋めいてきました Good morning! I've started to read "The power of when" like I said testerday. Only for looking through raghly some contents which relate to my and mu husband's type. My type is Lion, and his type is Bear. And n…

Chronotype/ 朝型?夜型?

Do you know your Chronotype?? I am really into this kinds of quiz!Cnsiquently, my chronotype is Lion. My next book will be this one. The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype--and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Wr…

Reading a lot!/ 英語 多読 おすすめ

Reading is a great way to learn English for me. Recent my favourites are "TIME FOR KIDS"!! Those are written in easy English. Contents are pretty informative. For example, Why does my foot fall asleep? Messages between your brain and the r…

Don't stop thinking./ 今日が人生最大に若い日。やるなら今からしかない。

昔家でカルカソンヌしたときの写真 These busy days have gone away! And I am completely recovered. I need to refresh so I had my hair cut from long length below scapula to collarbone at a salon. A Japanese stylist is there. He is going to go …

Libby/ 図書館アプリが便利

モントリオールからの帰りにみた日没。 I am recovered. Normal routine has back! Recently, I use an app of Toronto Public Library, called Libby. That is great. I can borrow e-books easily and return easily. I read some magazines. Usually, I d…

Get back into my routine./ ちょっとずつリズムをもどす

えgt A headache seems to go away. I have slept about 12 hours. That was too much. but it's OK. I will get back into my routine little by little. --- 頭痛はきえたような気がする。12時間ほど寝たので、若干寝すぎ。でもまあいいかなと。明日は休み…

headache/ 頭痛

I have a headache. Today I have to go to the job. It is an extra shift for another sick person. but I am feeling sick too. This is not good... -- 頭痛がひどい。一人体調不良の子の カバーをずっと私がしていてかなりきつい。私まで体調不良だ。。…

busy/ 忙

Saturday and Sunday, it was CRAZY busy... Even though we had small staffs, but one of them felt sick. So only 3 people. Usually, there are 5 people. But I did my regular routine before and after work. So, it was okay. --- 今週末はいそがし…

Physical strength/ 体力ついたかも

かなり上出来。柄というよりこのミルク感。スチームが命。スタッフにみせて喜んでたらお客さんが写真とりなよ!ってって撮らせてくれました。。。嬉しい。 Yesterday it was the really busy day, but I was less exhausted than I expected. I just think a…

Akihiro Nishino/ 西野さんがすごい

I watched an impressive video yesterday. In the video, a Japanese entertainer was talking about money and crowdfunding. He said "money is reliability, and crowdfunding is a exchanging machine of reliabilities which cannot make any money. S…

Starting small/ 小さくはじめる

My recent latte art. Little by little but at least I am proceeding. 最近のラテアート。ちょっとずつ進歩してる。 I learned that starting small is one of the best ways to do something. For example, short walking. If I choose to go to a gym or…

Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin

Do you guys know Gretchen Rubin? She is one of the New York Times best-selling authors. I like her books. I think 'Better than Before'is the best. But I have 'The Four Tendencies' as well. Regarding her quiz, I am a Rebel. Sometimes, I fee…

The flexibility/ 融通が利く仕事

Little by little, I am recovered. I had slight pain in my throat, but it seems to be going away. Today, I will have a job interview for a freelance cleaner of Airbnb. I heard that it is managed by an app, and it shows the schedules and pla…

Not have a cold yet./ まだもってる。

Yesterday, I tried not to waste my energy. I was told I had to have overwork about 90 minutes. But I was done everything as usual including extra tasks. Some tasks were done carelessly. Some tasks were done imperfectly. I knew. But I just …

Balance/ バランス

For these days, my schedule is messy. I am exhausted very much physically. Everything happens at the same time. Today it would be the busiest. I'm gonna work 11 hours with no break. I am lack of sleep yesterday's night because I talked wit…

A nightmare/ 怖い夢

I had a nightmare. My brother made a murder and escaped into the forest. I searched him and found him. I sent him to a jail. That was on Mars. He was put into a rocket. The rocket was launched. But failed. It crashed. Before exploding, we …

Such a nice day/ いい日

Yesterday, it was a perfect day. It was a sunny day. I woke up at 5 am. I have finished my blog after 4 hours of writing. After that, I have updated online shop and learning HTML. I was dome everything above in the morning. And then, I bou…

Started to learn HTML/ HTMLはじめました

I started to learn HTML from yesterday. I wanna work at home. So far I don't have any special skills. I don't know, it will work or not. My goal is earning $500/mo for now. --- 昨日からHTMLの勉強をスタート。在宅で仕事をしたいが特にスキルが…

Dealing with annoying people/ めんどい家族の対処法

Getting along with family and friends is sometimes stressful. It has made me exhausted for a long time. I have had two mottoes about it so far. 1: I can not change others. The only person I can change is myself. 2: Just leave immediately a…

Recovered./ 年の功

I was overwhelmed recently. As a tiny sign of becoming sick, I took a long sleep yesterday and today. I am recovered, I think. I guess those are the causes; A too aggressive person who came into my phycological space beyond my line too qui…

Justice/ なにがただしい?

Perhaps I am facing to face with a real Mr. Michael Sandel's Justice situation. Yesterday, I was told that my shift would be cut. The owner said that it happens usually in the winter season and he is going to tell that to all his staffs. M…

Fall's come./ 秋が来た

It's getting cold. A few days ago it was so hot, however, it has already cold. As if fall has been skipped. But maybe this is just the beginning of fall. --- つい先日まで猛暑だったのが嘘みたい。いきなり冬になったかんじだけど、、多分秋の始…

Getting darker in the morning./ 6時で暗い

It is 6 am in the morning. It's still dark. During summer time, it was bright, even at 6 am. This would mean summer has been over. I fell a little bit sad. I know, sooner or later, fall is coming. And, I like fall. It is the most comfortab…

I want to work in my house./ 在宅で仕事できたら最高

I wanna be a freelance, but so far I don't have any special skills. Nowadays I have tried to continue to keep my blogging on this blog and another one. If I could continue, 66 days this blog, I will start to learn programming. Because I he…

Let's say "No"./ ノーと言ってみる

It's difficult to say no, especially in English. For me, even in Japanese, it is difficult. I always overthink. But I need to try. Because I want to express in English what I feel and think. I wish I could speak appropriately and exactly i…

You might catch EITHER./ 二兎を追うもののみが二兎を得る。

During my daily walking, sometimes the moon stays still in the sky. When I can see it, I feel lucky. The sun is in the eastern sky and the moon is in the western sky. I have both. As they say, If you run after two hares, you will catch nei…

At first sigh by Nicolas Sparks/ ニコラス・スパークス

This is my first book by Nicolas Sparks. I have known his name for a long time, but I had not chosen what I would read next. Because I am not a huge fan of melodrama. However, I am so eager to improve my English deeper that I chose one of …

エアショーはやめてほしい/ Ridiculous

最近のトロントは真昼にエアショーの練習だか本番だかで、戦闘機がビュンビュン旋回しており、なんだかものものしい。エアショーとは戦闘機が数機ならんでぐるぐる回転したりしてパフォーマンスする、あれのことです。 はじめて戦闘機の音を聞いたんですがも…

小さな習慣/ 3 important things to be consistent with something for beginners


わたしのお茶/ That was my tea.
